School of Stocks

Options Strategies

Module Overview

In this module, we shall cover Option Strategies in detail. We shall start right with the basic, one-legged strategies and then proceed to more complex, multi-legged strategies. The objective of this module is not just to enable the reader to learn these strategies, but also to act as a reference as and when needed when deploying Option strategies.


1. Introduction to Option Strategies

2 Lessons

In this introductory chapter, we shall start with refreshing key concepts that we studied in the Options Module. After this, we shall highlight the various Options Strategies that we intend to cover over the course of this module.

2. Long Call and Short Call

24 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two of the most basic option strategies: Long Call and Short Call . We shall talk about the various aspects of the two strategies including payoff, Greeks, and examples.

3. Long Put and Short Put

15 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two of the most basic option strategies: Long Put and Short Put. We shall talk about the various aspects of the two strategies including payoff, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.In this chapter, we shall discuss two of the most basic option strategies: Long Put and Short Put. We shall talk about the various aspects of the two strategies including payoff, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

4. Covered Call and Covered Put

18 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two advanced option strategies: Covered Call and Covered Put. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

5. Synthetic Call and Synthetic Put

16 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Synthetic Call and Synthetic Put. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

6. Bull Call Spread and Bear Call Spread

15 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Bull Call Spread and Bear Call Spread. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

7. Bear Put Spread and Bull Put Spread

15 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Bear Put Spread and Bull Put Spread. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

8. Bull Call Ladder and Bear Call Ladder

14 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Bull Call Ladder and Bear Call Ladder. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

9. Bear Put Ladder and Bull Put Ladder

17 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Bear Put Ladder and Bull Put Ladder. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

10. Ratio Call and Ratio Put Backspread

16 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Ratio Call Backspread and Ratio Put Backspread. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

11. Ratio Call and Ratio Put Spread

16 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Ratio Call Spread and Ratio Put Spread. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

12. Long Call Butterfly and Short Call Butterfly

17 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Call Butterfly and Short Call Butterfly. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

13. Long Put Butterfly and Short Put Butterfly

16 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Put Butterfly and Short Put Butterfly. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

14. Long Iron Butterfly and Short Iron Butterfly

17 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Iron Butterfly and Short Iron Butterfly. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

15. Long Call Condor and Short Call Condor

17 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Call Condor and Short Call Condor. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

16. Long Put Condor and Short Put Condor

15 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Put Condor and Short Put Condor. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

17. Long Iron Condor and Short Iron Condor

18 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Iron Condor and Short Iron Condor. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

18. Long Straddle and Short Straddle

15 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Straddle and Short Straddle. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.

19. Long Strangle and Short Strangle

16 Lessons

In this chapter, we shall discuss two option strategies: Long Strangle and Short Strangle. We shall talk about the various aspects of these two strategies including payoffs, Greeks, and illustrations with examples.
