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Product | What It Means |
Cover Order (CO) | Cover Order (CO) is a product type where you can place buy/sell orders with a
compulsory stop loss order. You get higher leverage for Cover Orders than Intraday
orders but the margin requirement will vary depending on the stop-loss price.
Square-off for CO positions gets automatically initiated 15 minutes before the market closes. *Timing may vary by a few minutes at times. |
Bracket Order (BO) | Bracket Order (BO) is a product type where you can place buy/sell orders with a
target and a compulsory stop loss orders. You get higher leverage for Bracket Orders
than Intraday orders but the margin requirement will vary depending on the stop-loss
Square-off for BO positions gets automatically initiated 15 minutes before the market closes. *Timing may vary by a few minutes at times. |